Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Care after Pregnancy

Every mother should get proper care after the pregnancy stage; it is must for every mother, if their baby is born at home or any clinic or in hospital. When they go through the pregnancy stage, they really face a hectic and laborious stage, so after this period they need some time to heal up their wounds. At present time we see most of the mothers remain busy with their office works so enough time for taking rest is not possible for them. As per medical norms, a mother should talk at least six weeks rest.

Why Care after Pregnancy Needed

During and after pregnancy proper care is necessary, after the birth of the baby, the responsibility increases on the part of both the parents. So postpartum care is needed it focuses on some factors, the medical procedure is done if the baby has any maternal infection or hemorrhage, when proper medical care is taken the various disorders are detected if anything has taken place, during this stage counseling of family planning is done, knowledge of breast feeding nutrition, child care, and other various important things are discussed in the post care program for the proper growth of the new born child.

Tests of the Baby

When a baby is born, he is taken to his house but some tests are done before this. Usually the doctors have found so far that new born babies go through nearly 30 disorders.  One of the very common disorders is congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria (PKU) Galactosemia, Homocystinuria, Maple syrup urine disease, biotinidase, congenital adrenal, hyperplasia, sickle cell disease and the other cystic fibrosis.

Care Taken on Umbilical Cord

After the well organized birth of the baby, the doctors follow up the care of umbilical cord, when transported nourishment to the new born baby is done there grow some complexity, as during pregnancy it turns into a purplish- blue stub nearly half or one inch in length, two weeks time is taken to be normalized but some time it takes 8 weeks, for the treatment it is kept dry and clean and the baby is given sponge bath till the time of the cord falling down. Some women suffer from baby blue disease, it is seen 50 to 75 percent women after pregnancy stage get into this disease at this stage; their mood automatically changes without any reason, they some time cries without cause, suffers from depression.

The Steps Should be Followed after Pregnancy

A mother should take proper and enough rest, as during the pregnancy stage she has taken a hectic stage of delivery so she needs to have enough rest for healing up his pain and tiredness. The new born also sleeps most this time and he wakes after every three hours, so the gaping is enough for taking the rest. Proper nutrition is must for both the mother and the baby, this time enough quantity of protein based food, and carbohydrate food are required, like chicken, meat, cereals, peanuts, walnuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. During this  period the new mom wants some one’s guide as for the new one in the family, she will need to get the assistance and guidance in the family, for this she can hire any care giver, or friends, or some other person.

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