Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pregnancy Pillows as Per Size and Shape

At the time of pregnancy women face different type of situation, due to some hormonal changes in the body they face abnormalities; most common problem they face is short sleepiness for that they need to use pregnancy pillows. In the market, there are different types of pillows but pregnancy pillows are totally different from those. Normally the available pregnancy pillows are three types. This is according to the shapes.
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Different Types of Pillows

Generally the pregnancy pillows are three types of shapes, they are J, C or U shaped. The all pillows available in the market are good and suitable to use but some one has her own preference of using it, so any particular choice is better for her. These pillows are designed in such a way that the women can get maximum comfort and pleasure while they will use it.

The Speciality of Types

Firstly to speak of C type pillows, it is made in the way that it can cover round the body of the user, it gives support to the different parts of the body like neck, head, legs and at stomach , if some one uses it continually it will be beneficial for her back support. This particular pillow is smaller than the total body pillow.

Next important pillow is J type of pillows, it has vast flexibility, it can be bent and curved, as per wish where a woman wants to rotate, it can be considered as the suitable and ideal pillow during the time of pregnancy. All the portions of the body can relax and the muscles can be free of strain.

U shaped pillow is also very common in use, it gives the women support at the part of back and belly portion, lying on this type of pillow a woman can feel as if she is lying covering the whole part of the pillow. This pillow plays multi-mode, usually the size is bigger so one can choose to lie whatever position she likes to lie and get into sleep.

How These Pillows Work?

These pillows give comfort and while the women lie on it they can have good sleep at the night hours, but these pillows do some other works. These pillows have special mechanism. The pillows give effective support to the belly portion , by its support the back pain gets low, in most of the cases we  see that women who suffer with swollen part of the leg, gets relaxed by lifting up their feet on the pillow. After the birth of the baby, pillows are used as nursing pillow, and then it can be used as a support for the baby during the breast feeding. Again the pillows can be used to help other persons who have some problems like arthritis, back pain, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and some other diseases.

Some Aspects of Using Pregnancy Pillow

Pregnancy pillows are common at present in the market and it is not much precious. Women have chosen it as it gives them more comfort that they do not get while using the normal pillow, actually the required rest that the various portions of the body need at this stage is only possible through the use of these pillows. These pillows are made up of through the medical guidelines, for its use the pain at various parts of the body gets reduced at large amount, and most important factor is sound sleep with smooth movement of the body’s different parts.

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