Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cashier Job Description

In a business or official set up we find cashier as a profession with vital importance. He does his duty skillfully, in various fields we find cashier like in bank, school, and hospital, different types of government office, sales and marketing offices also.

Photo credit Roberto Faccenda

The Roles and responsibilities of a Cashier

A cashier needs to do various jobs for a company or organization. Cashier object should be same as the organization object. During his job, he accepts money or payment by cash or through check, some times he needs to take credit cards and vouchers.  While doing monetary transactions, he issues receipts in the name of any organization or person, refunds money when required, he controls balance sheets of the company so as per situation he makes credit or makes certain for the serving customers.  During his job, he calculates the money in the safe, drawer or vault, when a cashier starts his works he counts the money of the company and after the days’ work he checks out his financial balance sheet, whether the necessary changes have been made thoroughly. A cashier entertains a customer who comes to the organization for any work by greeting him and some time he orders soft drinks for him. In the working place, a cashier needs to keep his mind about the cleanliness of the area.

Qualifications of a Cashier

There are various types of offices, business and marketing sector so we find different types of cashiers but the common qualifications are almost the same in all the cases. Most commonly we find the cashier in financial sector like bank, where a cashier needs to be graduate and expert in financial accounting and banking public policies, same time strong in mathematics and statistics. With that he must be honest and sincere.

The Important Duties Performed by Cashier

A cashier is seen to carry out multitask for a company or the organization. Firstly, he gives the satisfactory replies to the customer’s inquiries, does all the transactions through the cash payments or receipts, he thoroughly checks out the cash accounts, register or ledger. By following guidelines, he makes strategy, with the colleagues after the discussions with higher authority. Simultaneously, he provides supports and assistance to the fresher who has joined in the service as cashier. Again with carefully he must have to check and maintain the daily, weekly, and monthly report of money transactions.

Some Skills of Cashier 

A cashier ought to be basically strong in math and statistics, but there are some other things that a good cashier must have as skills, he must be good communicator, he must have good listening capacity while in duty, he needs to listen the clients’ queries, complaints, without any interruptions. He should also know and learn the society based structure. He should be adapted with instructing ability. 

Salary Status of the Cashiers in the Market

As per the latest scenario, the average salary of cashier in the USA is $20,000 on July 6, 2014.  Restaurant cashier training gets $25,000. Store cashier in USA gets $16,000. Room service cashier in USA gets $22,000. Cashier in customer service representative gets in the same country $15,000. When a retail cashier earns $13,000 and pharmacy cashier earns $19,000.

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