Sunday, February 17, 2013

Intravenous IV Therapy Training and Certification

A number of nurses and medical staffs are using intravenous IV therapeutic as a technique to inject liquid medicine directly in the bloodstream of a patient. Most of the medical and nursing institutes offer a certification program to licensed practical nurses, desirous to be trained in intravenous IV treatment. However, depending upon the state requirement, supplementary license or credentials can also be asked for. 

Intravenous IV Therapeutic Certification

A licensed practical nurse, interested to gain intravenous treatment training can take part in different smaller certification programs, offered by number of technical colleges or medical institutes. The fundamentals as well its specialized curriculum require you to invest only few hours of time, consisting of two or three workshops. It is possible for you to complete this important certificate course within a week’s time.

Education Requirements

The nurses desirous to complete a certification program in intravenous therapeutic are usually asked for submission of LPN license evidence along with a CPR certification. The LPN may require producing of a lawful insurance liability proof.   However, in few states, submission of CPR certificate or liability insurance evidence is not mandatory.


Intravenous IV therapy certification curriculum is designed based on the knowledge of circulatory system and cardiac function in human health. The program also covers the practical process to administer an intravenous therapy. The entire curriculum subjects comprise of intravenous therapy and pharmacology, measurement method and medicine dosages, site options for multiple intravenous IV, observation and management of IV treatment and intravenous IV apparatus and supply.

Employment Prospect

As per the report from U.S.BLS, in 2009, a number of hospitals, healthcare centers and miscellaneous clinical units have absorbed over 730,000 LPNs as well as vocational nurses. On the basis of enhanced number of elderly patients and considering some other important factors, the health care industries predict, requirement of only LPNs is likely to increase over 23% around 2020.

Salary Structure

According to BLS report, average income of LPNs from medical field was around $39,832 in 2009. It is found that different big nursing homes, dental clinics and home health sector are providing a better salary to LPN group of nurses.

Continual Learning Course and Certification

It is seen that the certification criteria for intravenous IV therapy course differentiate a lot among the states. In many states, nursing licenses are renewed and updated in simplest method repeating the authority of intravenous IV therapy permission to licensed practical nurses. Towards new inventive methods, however, the LPNs are further trained to enhance their skill through knowledge classroom and subsequently they are offered needful credential.

In view of demonstrating expertise in intravenous treatment process, LPNs can opt for continuing in nursing education enabling them to become registered nurses while it is possible for them to gain another specialized position with a certification for Certified Registered Nurse Intravenous IV specialist.

Usage of intravenous IV therapeutic is quite common. Usually, the license practice nurses and medical professional are given the authority towards this practice subsequent to completion of necessary certification course as arranged by the state board. This articles describes intravenous IV therapy certification and job.

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