Friday, June 27, 2014

What is a Receptionist?

A receptionist is a very important post in an office of the company. He or she is the first staff who is seated with desk for greeting the client and visitors who come to the office for various reasons. The receptionist holds the responsibility of the entire office, he is assigned with certain duties, generally he is to receive calls and give answers to these, and he needs to go through emails and collects the important one from them. In short, a receptionist connects all the sections and departments into one if any one comes in to a particular office he will get his required information from the receptionist. As per the statistics made by USA, labor department, in 2010 the total number of receptionist was 1,048,500; here job out look for receptionist job is projected at 24% that is faster than average amount. You must send a perfect receptionist resume to get a high paying job.
Copyright John Jacobi

The Change of Dimension of Activity of Receptionist 

With the progress of science and technology, the working capacity and varieties of the receptionist have changed. Earlier, the duties of a receptionist was quite simpler, now a receptionist is to use video conference facility some where for selecting the meeting with office executive with others and he is to monitor solely the whole process.

At present, in many cases the receptionist is to monitor the security systems as controlled by closed circuit cameras. Some times he needs to maintain the cleanliness of the lobby or campus of the office.

The Conventional Duties Performed by Receptionist   

A receptionist usually is to attend the visitors and clients, who usually come in to office for queries for business purpose or to know any matter related with any person who is employed in the office, then he smilingly entertains him with keeping patience even the clients are inconsiderate and uncooperative.

Be Skilled in Typing Skill 

A receptionist may have the essential quality to type letters or memos with good writing speed. In an office, typing is required some times he needs to take note from boss, officers or executives and thereupon he needs to type out urgent matter.

Desiring to be Aware of the Day to Day Diary of the Office Staffs

A receptionist is a pro active staff in an office. He needs to monitor the attendance of all the staffs of different departments, if required he is to give the report about the particular details of any staff, his activity and presence in the concerned department.

The Ability to Face Difficult Situation

Some times may be untoward situation at working place, when a receptionist is to face very difficult situation, he may get some phone calls which are baseless, primarily he keeps patience but when the situation goes out of control , he disconnects the phone calls.

Capability of Doing Data Entry Operation

In some cases, the receptionist is to do the work of data entry operation, the company or the organization may be related with any business affairs or monetary transaction, then concerned may do the work of data entry operation.

The Qualities a Receptionist Should Have

A good receptionist should have well time management skill, he must be honest, truthful, confident, laborious, and over all dedicated to his service.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Cover Letter Sample

Licensed practical nurses are a group of health care professionals who are directly involved with service to the sick and patients. They are to do the work under the supervision of registered medical nurses. They do different types of works like checking blood pressure, pulse pressure etc besides these they help patients to go for toilet or to physical therapist, they also work in intensive care unit too. To start work they are to take license from the board of practical nursing. During work, they get hands-on experience day by day. Entirely, he or she may be attached with any health care unit for a long time period or shortly. The deeds of LPN are certainly praise worthy. To obtain a job LPN you need to write a good LPN resume with cover letter.

Some Guidelines for Writing a Perfect Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Cover Letter

Image courtesy of  hin255 /
You should be very specific about the profession of LPN, when you are going to write a cover letter of it, you will have to follow three or four paragraphs.

Firstly you should write about the job of licensed practical nurse, and also tell, where and how you came to know the advertisement of the job of LPN, in the first paragraph.

Next time you elaborate why you are attracted to this particular job of LPN, and the reason for joining this specified organization or health care unit.

In the third paragraph you must summarize about yourself, you will go in detail about your experience, skills by which you can serve the concern the best.

In the fourth paragraph you will have to make them know your personal mobile no for their communication with you for the interview as per scheduled.

There after, you should express your gratitude and keep hope to hear them very soon.

LPN Cover Letter Example

Mr. S. Stuart
HR Manager
St. Pittsburgh Hospital, Pittsburgh

Respected Sir,
                       Most respectfully I beg to state that, I am applying for the post of Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in your organization as per the advertisement in the NY Post dated, 17th May 2014.

I am serving in the health care sector for a long time as an assistant of nurse so I have a long term experience. Since my childhood I used to dream of becoming a good nurse like Florence Nightingale, I had completed my college degree in 2006 and after that I got license from the stated board of practical nursing in 2009. Already I served as an assistant nurse in Virginia Medical Center for two years. I wish to serve here as it is one of the reputed health care units in the country. I am expertise in different works like checking blood pressure, pulse pressure, diagnosing and monitoring the critical patients all through the night. I hope my talent and skills will prove very much effective in earning the fame of the organization.

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly contact me over my personal mobile no (775) 123 -5543, for informing me the exact date of interview as per scheduled.

With very best good wishes, I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon.
Sincerely Yours,
