Measurement of sugar amount in your wine is a vital issue in wine making process. Hydrometer is such a device that assists the winemakers to assess, anticipate and regulate the wine recipe by reading sugar’s percentage in the must.
Hydrometers are not at all any expensive tool and easily available in local wine brew shops. The essentiality of this test equipment can not be ignored since the tool has a great contribution in successful wine preparation. Usually, the items come with spherical bottom, glass finish along with a slender stalk. These are designed to drift its bulbous base in fluid. You can easily have a reading by observation of its measuring scale found on the stem.
The specific gravity refers to the relational weight of any liquid on the basis of normal water whereas a hydrometer supports you in figuring out the S.G. of wine. Reading of specific gravity helps to oversee the fermentation status and depending upon the situation, you can make the process adjusted. As you proceed towards yeast plunging, guessing of alcohol percentage in wine is must. On the other hand, before and subsequent to have the reading, calculation of alcohol percentage is also necessary. Finally, a winemaker can understand if the process of fermentation is begin finished or stopped only by this apparatus.
Things that you need to know in buying a hydrometer
Consideration of the reading range is most important. You need to ensure that the tools you opt for is a standard one and suitable for your purpose. Akin to any other measuring procedures it has both highest and lowest range. For the home users, it standard range varies in between 0.990 to 1.120. For instance, to avail 12% wine, its specific gravity need to begin at the level of 1.090.
There are some hydrometers that measure only specific gravity. Hence, before buying, check that your tool is containing SG, sugar level and potential alcohol as you will require all these during wine making. Check the calibration temperature is 60 degree F. The other things to consider are the measurement unit, to check whether the tool properly fits with your vessel and obviously the protections measures. It is significant for you to make a cross check of features with the product literature.
Using of Hydrometer
Similar to any other tools, you should not forget to sanitize your hydrometer and testing jar. You need to place the testing cylinder on any flat surface so as to perfect reading is possible. Further, with the help of wine thief, draw a specimen of wine. Ensure avoiding of the solid elements in your testing sample that you collect. In such a case, you will be just misguided in connection with the reading. Pour enough fluid to fill at least 4/5 part of the test pot and float your hydrometer. Ensure that the hydrometer is not contacting the sides of test pot and float free. Find the reading on its stem and be certain of it.
Hydrometer is essential equipment in wine preparation process. By this tool you can ensure about the sugar level as well as fermentation status. Prior to selection of the model, just make certain about your necessities. Use WhisperKOOL 4000i to store your wine in a wine cellar.